Monday, August 22, 2011

A Paris Apology

They say that when one door closes, another one opens. In Paris, when one door closes, a patisserie opens.  After procrastinating this activity for the last month, I decided it was time to find a butcher. As we keep a kosher kitchen, I need a kosher butcher.  Armed with my list from the Paris Jewish community website, I set off with four destinations in mind - two butchers, a bakery, and a market - all kosher.  All within a 10-20 minute walk from our apartment.

However, its August. Which meant every single one was closed (seriously, don't Jews eat in August?).  And it was hot out. And Baby Oil was Mr. Cranky Pants because he's getting another tooth.  I was about to have a total expat melt-down on Rue Poncelet when I lifted up my head, and beheld....Bague de Kenza. This Algerian pastry shop was on my to-visit list thanks to both David Lebovitz and Josh Resnick, one of our friends in DC who generally knows how to eat and drink the best anywhere but especially in Paris.  I really felt this was Paris' way of apologizing to me for all the other stores being closed this month.
Gratuitous cute baby shot

Entering the shop, my mouth began to water. It didn't even matter that I didn't know what any of the goodies were - I just knew they needed to be eaten. By me. And Mr. Oil. Not only were the counter-tops crowded with trays each featuring a different delectable and beautiful dessert, but in the back were fresh trays of baklava - almond, pistachio, and one other (to be honest, I really didn't understand what she said for the third - sorry!). 

I did exercise some restraint, and chose only five - two baklava, one almond & fig, one date, and one something-else-that-sounded-good-and-probably-involves-almond-and-or-pistachio-but-I-can't-remember-except-to-say-it-tasted-good.

Overall favorite: pistachio baklava. Runner up: the fig one. But first we had to try them all:

And then go back for more of our faves. We briefly considered saving the rest for tomorrow. Guess how long that lasted...
So we liked some more than others.

Okay Paris, apology accepted.